The Arts


In band, high school students have opportunities to hone their abilities to use instruments for worship. Here they learn not just about reading and playing music, but about supporting and encouraging one another, working together and glorifying God with the musical abilities He has given them.


Using their voices as instruments of praise, students in choir are encouraged to "sing and make melody to the Lord with (their) hearts" (Ephesians 5:19). Students have opportunities to demonstrate their progress at concerts during the year.

Visual Arts

From pencils to paint and canvas to clay, our visual arts program channels students' God-given creativity into pieces that reflect the beauty of their Creator and the world He made. An elementary art show takes place biennially.


Students in MCS' theater program learn various facets of the performing arts, allowing them to explore this field of artistry in an environment that seeks to bring all glory to God. The high school plans to present a play in May 2025 at Lake Erie College.